Unleashing Success: A Live Interview with Nicole Donnelly


Live with Alaska MEP

Join us for an insightful live interview with Nicole Donnelly, CEO/Founder of DMG Digital.

Live Summary

Join Sami Jo Lewis from the Alaska MEP and Nicole Donnelly, CEO and Founder of DMG Digital.

Embrace the new year with a fresh perspective on eCommerce as we welcome Nicole Donnelly, the visionary founder of DMG Digital, in an exclusive live interview on Thursday.

Discover Nicole's inspiring journey and the driving force behind the creation of DMG Digital. In this session, we'll delve into why eCommerce has evolved from a "nice-to-have" to an absolute "must-have" for manufacturers. Uncover the truths and dispel myths that might be hindering your business from seizing the transformative potential of eCommerce. Don't miss this opportunity to kick off the year with expert advice and a roadmap to eCommerce success.

Key Highlights

  •  Entrepreneurship and digital marketing with Nicole Donnelly. 0:06

  • Entrepreneurship, marketing strategies, and business growth. 1:57

  • ECommerce for manufacturers' growth and efficiency. 6:22

  • ECommerce for manufacturers and overcoming obstacles. 10:11

  • Pricing and shipping myths in B2B manufacturing. 14:41

  • E-commerce for B2B manufacturers. 19:36.

  • ECommerce transformation for B2B manufacturers. 24:59

  • Developing habits and ecommerce with Nicole.32:42


Sami Jo Lewis  00:06

It's Thursday. So great to be with you all again after the new year and after the holidays. We hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and stayed safe and warm. I'm super excited to introduce Nicole Donnelly. Today she is CEO and founder of dmg digital, and we are just gonna dive into some really exciting things. So I'm super excited to have you here, Nicole, how are you doing today?

Nicole Donnelly  00:32

Hey, Sami Jo. I am doing great. It's so awesome to be here. I love any chance I can get to have to talk with you. So man, this is awesome. I can't wait to dive into this. And the topic for today is like something near and dear to my heart. So I'm super stoked about it. I'm doing great. I'm excited New Year. New revolutions,




It ready to business

Sami Jo Lewis  00:55

goals. 2024. Now, I know I love getting the chance to get to meet you in person last year and just stay connected and just keep up on what's going on. So for anyone out there watching what's kind of just like dive in and learn a little bit more about your background and what inspired you to launch dmg digital.

Nicole Donnelly  01:15

Ooh, love this question. So a little bit about me. Who where do I start? I'm a mom. I'm a mom. I've got two beautiful girls. My oldest is 13 going on. 30 My youngest is eight. I adore them. married for 20 years now. And I have loved loved loved loved loved loved entrepreneurship from the time I was a little girl. It's been very much a part of like my upbringing. My dad built a successful manufacturing company. My grandfather owned a hotel right across the street from Disneyland in California. My great grandfather owned an oil company and my great great great great grandmother. And it was so easy. She owned a bakery and Deli in Copenhagen, Denmark, and she used to care events for the king of Denmark now how frequently I found that out like maybe I don't know six months ago and I was like, This is so stinking cool. So I have just like in love with entrepreneurship. I I have always been inspired wanted to start my own business many years ago out of college I was like someday I'm gonna do it. And so if the day is here, I've been I've been the DMG digital almost four years ago and the kind of the reason that what inspired me to to start this company is I was working in house for a manufacturing company on their marketing team and got to see this amazing marketing transformation. They had zero marketing infrastructure whatsoever, no strategy was able to come in and just kind of see the impact that a really solid marketing strategy could bring to a manufacturing company through content marketing, through SEO through inbound marketing strategies and video marketing and all that I loved it and I was like, You know what, this is it. I want to be able to help other small businesses do this and it just really kind of fueled that like inner passion that I have for helping small business owners succeed. So that's just a little bit of the reason why I started it. And, yeah, little bit about me and here we are. I get to do that every day, get to help them work with small companies, amazing small companies and help them build their build and grow their businesses. And it's so inspiring to see what they're building and how they're building their companies and how they're supporting their communities. And it's just incredible, so I feel very, very lucky.

Sami Jo Lewis  03:39

Oh, that is amazing. Sounds like Yeah, he definitely came from like a long line of entrepreneurs and so it's always kind of been like on the back end and passion for us. So to be able to start it up and now it's that's I was gonna dive into but you kind of touched on at the end, too. It's like, what actually DMT digital does when you're working with these manufacturers and you're doing a lot of like their marketing. It sounds like can you give me a little bit more on that? Yeah, absolutely.

Nicole Donnelly  04:04

So we really help them with their web presence, like how can we help them attract more prospects and customers so that more people are aware of them and the great products that they're creating? And that they can grow their business and basically sell more and and get more customers? And so the way that we approach that was done is really to start with helping them build out you know, we call Learning Center so they need a content strategy. They need to be able to start answering the questions that their customers are asking, and really create this really amazing library on their website that answers all those questions through written content through video content, and then spreading that content out. across social media. We call that the content waterfall. And so our approach is you know, we really want to get in touch with their subject matter experts. These are the folks internally at these manufacturing companies that know so much about the product, right? Like they're they have deep, deep expertise. And a lot of times what I've seen is that these subject matter experts are like behind the scenes doing great work with the product, but they need to be out front and center because they have such insight and experience to share. And the more that we can get that expertise out there on the web, for people to know and see and be able to connect with them and the brand. It's just a really great way to help them. build those connections with prospects and customers build that trust online, so that they can start to you know, increase sales and grow their businesses. So, uh, you know, there's a recent study that came out by Gartner I think it was maybe last summer the year before, I can't remember that over 70% of the buying process happens online. Over 70%. And so like these traditional manufacturing companies who have built their businesses on traditional sales, cold calling, you know, really big sales teams. That's not working like it used to because people are savvy buyers are savvy they want to understand and get their questions answered before they're ready to pick up the phone and call and so those manufacturers that can see that and know that and understand that and really start to answer those questions, put themselves out there online. Those are the ones that are actually really able to attract the right customers and buyers and really help grow their businesses. So that's the core of what we do is just really creating that content strategy and SEO strategy. And then the other part of that is that we do a lot of E commerce support for our manufacturers. So a lot of our manufacturers are starting to get involved in starting to sell online which is such a tremendous opportunity. There are 600,000 manufacturers in this company, and they are ripe for digital transformation when it comes to e Commerce and the really exciting thing is that e Commerce has come a long way historically it's really difficult to do b2b e commerce because of the complexities and the challenges. Of the purchasing process in b2b versus b2c. And it's really exciting to see that some of these new e commerce, not new e commerce platforms, but the E commerce platforms have evolved over time that what has previously been, you know services that are only available to these enterprise level companies are now available to small and mid market manufacturers. An example of that is big commerce, this new b2b edition, which was just released last fall offers a lot of really great services for b2b e commerce like you know, invoicing and setting up roll I'm going down a rabbit hole, oh my gosh, but like setting roles and permissions when you have multiple people on your company that are involved in a purchasing decision and that sort of thing. So it's really exciting to see how Ecommerce has evolved. And it's really been very exciting for us as an organization to help some of these small companies get on board with E commerce and really help them through that massive transformation and see what a massive impact that E commerce can have on their bottom line. So yeah, not

Sami Jo Lewis  07:58

so important. And no you did not go down a rabbit hole. New covers like I feel like especially even last couple years, like pandemic especially here. I mean, we really, really saw how important e commerce really is to be able to like keep their business and keep their doors open and get their products out there, whether it's b2b or b2c, like it's just so important. And so, thank you so much for going into that and sharing just exactly how you do and how you're helping manufacturers. So the next thing I wanted to dive into is kind of we kind of talked on like why, you know, even commerce is so important, but how why is it no longer like a nice to have and that's really a must have for manufacturers. Can you dive into that? Yes,

Nicole Donnelly  08:41

this is such a fantastic question. b2b manufacturers, the majority of them are still living in the stone age when it comes to e commerce. And so that's why there's such opportunity here, those manufacturers that have the vision to see that this is going to be a great way for them to create efficiency in our business and sell more. Those are the ones that are going to win. So here's why it's a must to have. Okay. Now, the way that I like to think about e commerce for manufacturers is as a support to your existing sales team, your distribution team, right. So rather than seeing ecommerce as an as competing as a channel that competes with the way that you've built your business, traditionally, this is like basically to support that it's a way to support your existing sales team so that a lot of those repeat orders that customers make over and over and over again that you know, historically have taken the time of the salesperson to manage. All of that can now be handled through E commerce once customers are empowered and sales reps are empowered on how to train their customers on how to use it. Then they can make those sales through the e commerce Store and it just creates a ton of efficiency for your business to be able to let all of those sales now happened through the store rather than being managed through email through phone through like the back and forth, you know, invoicing back and forth and so in order for manufacturers to really stay competitive in the years ahead and to really be you know, on top of it when it when it comes to competing against others. This really is the opportunity I think for so many manufacturers it can get tricky. If you have a lot of manufacturers have custom manufactured products, which can get tricky with E commerce. But you know, we found from our experience that there there usually are some products that manufacturers can start to sell online. And the great thing is is that once you get even just a few products like literally if you're just selling a few products online through a checkout process, and you have pricing for just those few products, it opens the doors it kind of opens the floodgates, meaning like you get a lot more visibility to your store people are coming in because of the SEO value of having these product pages with pricing on them and allows more people to get visibility and then they can start to see like oh, what else do this does this company do? And so maybe for example, if you have a custom manufactured product, you're not going to see pricing for that product on the website. But if there's something smaller that you can put up pricing for that kind of gets them in the door, then they know about you and then they can see oh my goodness, they do this other stuff. Maybe I can call them or submit a you know, request for quote. And so really just such a it's, you know, the future is now it's really so critical, I think, just to be thinking about it. No,

Sami Jo Lewis  11:27

absolutely. And you guys all heard it here. I mean, it's 2024 stay competitive. Sounds like like that's really the way you need to go and I know just even good web presence as you're talking about, you know, you really have to have that information there. Or you're just going to kind of deter, like attracts like when you're talking about oh, there's not a price, but maybe there's a price for something because I know just me and I'm looking at an event space or like anything and I'm on a website and I can't find anything. My first instinct isn't like Oh, I'm gonna call unless I really really really want to know like I'm gonna go and like other ones because I don't see a price that's kind of like, I don't know if I should call or not is that even in my ball field? Is that in my ballpark? Like if I just see one number it kind of helps me be like, okay, like this would be worth getting more information, but I don't know that until I see it. You're

Nicole Donnelly  12:18

absolutely right and I think that's another reason why ecommerce is no longer a nice to have but a must to have is because more and more buyers like you. They're so used to that like direct to consumer buying process. You Sammy are used to buying on Amazon and you can just literally buy something with one click right, right. Because you have that experience as a consumer. You take that to the workplace. And we have people who are younger, they're more used to the way technology works, right? They're moving up within these manufacturing companies that are making these purchases and they're having the same experience that you just mentioned that you're having when you're out trying to buy something. And so the expectations of buyers have increased, they expect more ease they expect less friction in the purchasing process than they used to. And so as manufacturers you really have to put yourself in the position of your buyers, these buyers that are coming up that are younger, who are used to purchasing that way and say hey, I've got to meet them where they are, this is what they're expecting. How can I create an experience like that for my for my manufacturing company, and the great thing is, is that there are tremendous partners like shipper HQ, for example, who can create this instant quoting capability on your eCommerce store for you know, items that are typically handled LTL you know, that are really heavy, maybe they have really large dimensions. And because of these really great partners, manufacturers can now create these instant quotes for things that previously wouldn't be able to quote, quote online. So it's really becoming easier and easier, if not easy. Let me just say I want to be very clear that investing in E commerce is not an easy process, but it's absolutely doable, and it's it's very, very rewarding to see what the results can be when you actually get on the other side. Right.

Sami Jo Lewis  14:09

In worth. I mean, just like as you're saying, like more the younger the buyers are that are coming up that are just like you thought it just sounds like you're saying, you know to stay competitive. That's kind of what you need to shift and it might not be easy, but like eventually you'll just see you'll reap the rewards from it. And that actually pivots right into our next question perfectly, which are can you talk about some of the myths and misconceptions about Lean commerce that may be holding back manufacturers about really taking the plunge and like diving into this opportunity?

Nicole Donnelly  14:40

I love this question. I have to tell you, I have these conversations all the time with manufacturers like Oh, my goodness. So the first one is when you mentioned earlier and that's pricing. Okay, so a lot of the time I get on these conversations and manufacturers is like I don't want to publish my pricing online. I don't want to do ecommerce because I don't want my competitors to know what my prices are. That's the number one thing that I hear a lot of I don't want my competitors to know and what if I price it out too high or too low? And then I get they're not calling me and I'm not getting the business. So that's the first pricing question. And my response to that is I always ask them, I say, let me ask you a question. Do you know what your competitors are charging for similar products? And without fail? They're always like, Well, yeah, I pretty much know like, this is how they compare to my thing, whether they're higher or lower. And I'm like, Well, if you know what your competitors are charging, don't you think that they have a pretty good idea of what you're charging? And they're like, Yeah, and so I just like why are we doing this like monkey dance like, parent they know already? There's no reason to do the smoke and mirrors. And truthfully, when people are buying from a company, they're looking at way more than just your price. There's so many other variables that go into a purchasing decision that how much is this going to cost me? They want to know like, what's your warranty? What's your guarantee? What kind of service am I going to get? What's the quality of the product? There's so many other factors that you as a manufacturer can really think about when you're when you're, you know, trying to differentiate yourself online. And so you really want to identify what are those differentiators besides price that I can highlight on my website and really leave you because I'll tell you right now, like I don't make purchases based on the lowest price right like I'm looking at you know, if I want to buy a new bag for you know, a new handbag, look for the cheapest bag on the price of the bag, have a price tag on the planet, but there are people that do look, you know, that's so you got to know your buyer. But you got to think about like, what are the other things that people care about? So that's the one thing I say the pricing. The other thing is that a lot of times manufacturers are worried about if they have a distribution network, like if they have distribution partners, and they're worried that if they publish their pricing well how's that going to impact my distributors who might have like these pre negotiated prices? Or they may have like pre negotiated special custom rates for some of their customers that they've already negotiated like, well, what if I've negotiated this rate with them and I have pricing up on the website for this? You know, so those are some complexities that go into pricing, but each of those can be addressed. You know, with your distributors. I bet you hands down you talk to your distributors, and you say, hey, I want to digitize my product catalog and I want to start publishing my product pages online. They're going to do a song and dance because now they have a resource that they can take to their customers and they can say, Hey, you want to know more about this specific product? Well, let me show you. There's product pages specifically for this product that you can see. So I think if you're very open and candid and upfront with your distributors before you go into and say hey, look, this is what we're going to be doing. We decided we're going to digitize our product catalog. We're going to set this up online for people to see if you show them the respect and have that conversation with them upfront. They're going to support it because it's only going to help them sell more. You know, and there's also special ways that you can really consider how to publish your pricing online if you have pre negotiated rates with your customers that you don't want them to see theirs. And the great thing is is that E commerce platforms today have some really great features that allow you to set custom pricing groups to allow you to set up private pricing for people so that if there's certain products that you don't want to display the pricing for until they log in, for example, to view the price, then there's those those kinds of capabilities. So there's a ton of flexibility in terms of how you want to be able to set up your eCommerce store based on your business processes. And so there's always a way, there's absolutely always a way to get around that pricing question. So that's like the first myth that I always get. And my mantra is transparency, transparency. builds trust. So the more that you are, and people expect that today when they go out to buy something, it's becoming more and more expected people see a price so that's the one. The one myth that I love to bust is pricing. The other myth that I love to bust is on shipping. Okay? Is complex when it comes to manufacturing and b2b manufactures. Particularly when you are a manufacturing manufacturer and you're trying to sell online it's a very different shipping and logistics experience. And if you're just selling screen T shirts, okay? If you're selling a screen T shirts, you can just you know, ship it ups, it's very low weight, you don't have to worry about like how much it weighs, what the dimensions are, does it need to be shipped freight? Right? It's a much simpler, easier process checkout. And so this is a valid thing that manufacturers have to well the shipping is too complex. You know, my product is huge and it has all these dimensions. And there's all these variants, right? Like there's so many variants for the product. But there are so many great shipping partners. Now like I mentioned, sugar HQ is one that where you can set up some really complex rules within your ecommerce platform where you can set up dimensions and be able to integrate directly with your LTL carriers specifically and be able to pull in instant voting into the checkout process which is like a dream come true. So there are absolutely ways and technologies out there for you to be able to create the rules around the shipping part of an E commerce so that's another myth is like well, I have company or product. The other one is custom manufactured products. A lot of manufacturers have custom manufactured products. This is the this is by far the rule rather than the exception. You know, and so they're you know, the feedback we get as well. I don't have standards use that website. This, you know, dust collection, or this, you know, around strap. And so actuations The great thing about e commerce is configuration configuration, the ability to actually configure product. So that is a really great way for you if you have a customer prefecture product that has, you know, a certain number of variants and being able to build an online configuration tool that allows the customer to self select all of the different dimensions that they need for their product can be done through through their e commerce Store.

Sami Jo Lewis  21:23

Well basically, like capabilities are out there. So it's like everyone's like scared or I can't do it. But the tools as you're kind of explaining like they exist, they just need to be you know, you have to probably make the purchase, utilize them and figure out their capabilities, but then you're really something you're able to kind of plug in even the most custom manufactured piece. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. And I mean,

Nicole Donnelly  21:47

of course, realistically there are some limitations to custom manufactured products, you know, but I think there's always a way to get some you know, I always like to ask everything factories, everything is if you even have a small percentage of products that aren't custom manufactured. E commerce is still a great option for you if you can have some standards to use just to get people in the door because the beautiful thing is, is let's just say majority of your stuff is customizing or custom manufactured 80 to 90% and you only have a few products that you can sell off the shelf. Well the great thing is you sell those products off the shelf and now you have an upsell opportunity for your sales reps. So you can take those sales, assign them to a sales rep and now a sales rep has a lead for a larger more custom order. So if you treat those those sales as kind of like leaders right or like leads for those more custom manufactured products, it's a really can be a really big win. So that's another one and then the other one is the sales team competition is a big, big big for that I hear a lot from manufacturers is like well, we don't want e commerce to compete with our sales team and we have such a great like our customer service is so fantastic. And our customers they really value that relationship they have with their sales rep and if you set up ecommerce that all goes out the window, you know, we don't want to lose that like part of our core business because that's what our business is built on. Is that relationship with the sales rep right? I hear that a lot. And the reality is, you do have to respect that right. So I like to tell the manufacturers that you know we don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Let's respect that tradition. Let's let's identify what is you know, what are those core tradition that your company was built on that culture that your company is built on? And we can we can have ecommerce work with that. So in the case of that situation where these companies are like well we don't want to lose our great customer service. Well, in that case, you don't need to, you know, in that case, set up e commerce to be a support to your sales reps, right. So allow the e commerce Store to handle a lot more of those repeat Standard Orders that they can read, you know, reorder over time. What that does is it allows your sales reps to sell more because now a lot of those repeat orders that they were taking all their time on the phone handling your time can now be focused on the more complex orders, right that are that that need to happen and they're still have that relationship with the customer. There's always going to be in b2b manufacturing. There's always going to be sales that need to happen with a sales rep. That's never gonna go away. But there is a way that you can make e commerce be part of it so that it's not E commerce versus traditional selling. What if it's now just commerce. So now that the e commerce Store is just a part of that process, supporting the sales rep, and you can still offer great customer service and you can still allow those e commerce sales, you know, to have a relationship with a sales rep and to maintain that same level of service and this kind of like hybrid model. So yeah, those are some of the few minutes I feel like I I feel like I'm rambling but I'm very passionate about this because I like them this.

Sami Jo Lewis  24:59

I like it. And I like when you're talking about I mean it sounds like gas but the salesman, we don't want to take that away, but also you're just spring I mean what we'd never have enough of his time. And so having that element played in like you're just freeing up more time, but then your fields people, maybe make a few more fields or maybe like spend time like the more complicated complex as you're saying sales need to go on and that's just going to be a more benefit than a hinder might be. So those are some great metrics. I mean, we talked about pricing I love the pricing, myth, shipping, customer manufac manufacturing and now on to the sales team. So thank you so much. I think that definitely opened up my eyes and so hopefully it manufactures that kind of watch be like okay, maybe this is not as scary as it needs to be when it comes to those myths. So I did want to dive in. So our great friend, Curt Anderson, let me add on the news that you gave an amazing keynote speech in New York City at Meet Magento conference where you discuss three steps to digital transformation ecommerce success. Can you share some insights on these valuable strategies? That you shared recently? Yes

Nicole Donnelly  26:06

that was so much fun. I love that that was a dream come true. I had so much fun at that conference and got to meet so many wonderful ecommerce professionals who are so passionate about helping their clients, you know, grow and reach new markets and it was really exciting to be a part of one of the things there's three so there's three core elements to a successful e commerce transformation for b2b manufacturers. And these I learned through my own hard lessons trying to do this within a legacy manufacturing company. And these lessons I learned the hard way. So I did it wrong, and had to learn and figure out you know, what was actually going to work and it's very exciting to be on the other side of that now and be able to see the fruits of all that hard work and pain. So that's three lessons. The three lessons are the first one is you've got to respect tradition. Tradition is so important to manufacturing company. And if you're trying to invest in any sort of change project, especially ecommerce, in order for the team internally to really be able to navigate through that change and embrace change in the way that they need to you have to respect tradition and identify the core thread of tradition that's really, really important that needs to be maintained throughout the digital transformation process. And so what we did, or what we recommend that people do to identify this is you've got to do a customer needs assessment and an employee needs assessment at the start of the project. You need to actually ask your customers and really talk to them one on one about this and say, what is it that you value about your experience working with us What have you come to rely upon? When you contact us and when you work with us? What do you what is it that you want most out of your experience, and that you really appreciate and value? And it's amazing what they share. And when we did this, we learned that they value that customers really valued that relationship that they had with their sales rep. But we also learned through those conversations that they wanted convenience. They wanted a way to be able to order things more easily, right. So through that customer needs assessment, we're like, oh my gosh, that's the tradition we need to hold on to, is that relationship, that's what the company was built on. We can maintain that through the transformation project, and maintain that and really try to celebrate that sales relationship. And the same thing when we talk to the employees. And the same thing with our customers. They love having relationship with us. And so that became like, kind of like the thread throughout the transformation is instead of E commerce being kind of like a threat to the sales team. How can we use it to support that sales rep relationship and that was the second point, elevate the sales rep. Elevate your digital distribution network. You do that through E commerce as we've talked about, you can elevate the sales rep relationship with their customers by allowing e commerce to handle a lot of those low level sales and then what happens is you create efficiency in the business. Now you're selling more and less time and your reps are able to handle and focus on those more complex orders and building relationships with those customers. So the second point is elevate the sales rep. And then the third point, which is very important is invest in training and education. Ecommerce can feel very overwhelming anyone who's listening to this conversation is probably like, oh my gosh, this is exciting. But I'm also very overwhelmed by all of the things that she's talking about. She's talking about shipping and she's talking about like, you know, all these things it can it is very overwhelming for manufacturers who are just diving into into it for the very first time. And so it's really important for partners to really educate manufacturers and for manufacturers to get education and training on what is e commerce, you know, terminology, understanding all about the payment gateways and shipping and all that there's so much information that can be learned and the more empowered manufacturers are by understanding this the more they're going to be set up for success. So those are like kind of like the three main kind of pillars of what what it takes to have a successful digital transformation for E commerce. So yeah, thank

Sami Jo Lewis  30:10

you. That sounds like an incredible speech that you shared, and I'm like, I'm gonna have to go back and I'm gonna get those three because I'm like, those are really, really great. Like just pinpointing three things that you really need to focus on to like be successful in E commerce. I think our manufacturers can take a lot of benefit out of, so I know we're right at the top of the hour. I've had so much fun chatting with you. I'm gonna switch it up. I just have one last question to throw at you. So we are in 2024 It's very beginning January. So can you share just like what are you most excited to tackle in this new year that we are in? Oh,

Nicole Donnelly  30:44

I'm so excited. I'm doing another speaking engagement at the beginning of the month. And my topic Yeah, it's gonna be in Miami so I get to get out of the cold and go somewhere warm and I'm really excited. The topic of my next talk is all about navigating people through change. And so I have identified what I call six phases of change that everyone goes through whenever they're going through any sort of like digital transformation or any change project, even personally. Those six phases I can really relate to and I identify with because I've seen my children go through these without learning their piano, and like trying to learn a musical instrument. I've experienced it myself whenever I'm trying to change any habits with you know, just personally but within organization, it's amplified because you've got to deal with multiple people. So those six phases are the first phases denial and resistance, right? Like we don't have a problem. We don't want to change the second phases. Okay, we accept we're going to do this we're going to invest in this and we're starting to feel some excitement about it. The third phase is overwhelmed. Oh my gosh, we have so much work to do. How do we figure this all out? How are we going to do this I'm so overwhelmed. The fourth phase is frustration. This is so much harder than it was told to me when I heard Nicole give the you know, when she was talking about it on the Livestream. It seems so easy. And now I'm in the middle of it, and it's really hard and it's not working the way it's supposed to. And I'm frustrated and I don't like it. And then the next phase is adoption. And that is the process of like trying to develop the habit around what that change is and that takes a lot of repetition and support and everything. And the last and final phase is integration which is like celebration, and that's where it becomes so much a part of the process that you don't even think about it so those are kind of like the six phases of change. I'm gonna be talking about in my talk, like how to navigate people through those and I'm excited so I'm looking forward to that and I looking forward to she she's just looking forward to my girls growing up and stuff and life so yeah,

Sami Jo Lewis  32:41

that's amazing. And what an amazing topic to talk about to the beginning of the year to six days of change. I mean, we know like everyone's talking about the resolutions and what they're going to change and like you just went through six steps like it takes a lot to actually develop a habit and like get it integrated and like actually start doing it and so I know it's gonna be a fantastic speech for you and I'm super excited for you to go to Miami and get some warmer weather. And thank you so much for taking the time to come on. With us all about your business, how you help manufacturers, anyone that watches now or comes on watch this later. If you want to connect from Nicole, please contact me, philosophy MEP. I will be happy to get you connected with Nicole. Obviously she's made to do this for a while and she is just guru of all things ecommerce and website so thank you so much for sharing your time with us and coming on here. So I'm super excited to share this with our audience in the new year. And come back. We do this we do live every other Thursday. So come join us again in about two weeks. Thank you. Oh, Alaska MEP.

Past LivesSamantha Bailey